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Sunday 27 June 2021

Easy Sweet Lassi Recipe

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my blog again. Today I am going to share a sweet drink with you all. It is very easy to make and refreshing as well. We are going to make sweet lassi today which is on famous drink in Bangladesh. So, let's get started!!!

The Ingredients:
  • Sweet Curd/ Misthi Doi (Here's a recipe for making sweet curd at home)Click Here
  • A pinch of Salt
  • Water
  • Pistachios and Rose Petals (for decoration)
How To Make Easy Sweet Lassi at Home

Step 1: Take 2-3 table spoon of sweet curd in the blender.

Step 2: mix a pinch of salt in it.

Step 3: Add a glass of water to the blender.

Step 4: Blend it for 1-2 minutes.

Step 5: Serve it in a glass and decorate it with pistachios and rose petals. 

This drink is very healthy and easy to make. Do make it in this summer and let me know if you have enjoyed it in the comment section below. <3

About the author

Hello! I am Sadia, a marketing student who is passionate about baking! Here you will find creative, easy to follow and trustworthy recipes that encompass my love for making everything from scratch.

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